Monday, August 10, 2009

Perfect Day...Almost

Our first full day here in Blois started off beautifully. You see that map? We did the whole route outlined in green. 47.8 kilometers! That's just under 30 miles! Our butts hurt. :)

The day started off wonderfully. We had a great breakfast at our hotel and then headed for our bikes and were on the road to Chambord. It was an amazing ride. We rode along the Loire River seeing beautiful little homes, estates and shady paths. We made it to Chambord (which is huge, with a great big game reserve) without too much incident. However in the last 3 km to the chateaux Garren's pedal was coming loose from the bike. Not good.

We had lunch and then headed over to a vendor who was renting bikes on the estate hoping that he might have a tool to tighten the bolt. He did! We then toured the chateau. Took some pictures, had an abricot ice cream (so yummy) and then headed for our bikes. By this time our butts were not too happy about getting back on the bikes but we figured it would be a beautiful ride back and we'd just deal.

Three kilometers from the chateau Garren's pedal came loose again. He didn't want to go back. And then we thought we were lost and double backed (we weren't). Some nice people tried to help, but no luck. We continued on with Garren stopping peridocially to tighten the bolt as best he could with his fingers and me feeling uber tired, sore and upset that Garren was angry about the whole thing.

We made it back to the hotel in one piece and a new bike is coming for Garren tomorrow. We're going to take it easy tomorrow and try to find a nearby winery to bike to. I think a loop to another chateau is out of the question just because of our sore butts but a quick trip for wine tasting and eating would be ok.

Now we're off to a well deserved dinner. Garren already had some wine to try to relax after our less than stellar afternoon. But we won't remember the afternoon just the perfect morning. For your viewing pleasure, here is one happy picture.

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