Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Impressions

So not home. Yet.

Scary. Upsetting. Confusing. My French sucks.

There are no line divisions on the road. How does anyone know where they're supposed to drive? I suppose they just don't care. Saw a hay truck with hay stacked three times higher than the truck itself.

I'm scared to leave the hotel. I don't know where to go or what to do. I'm sure all of these things will be settled but for right now I'm terrified.

But all is not lost. We are meeting one of my co-workers tomorrow to help us get a sim card for the phone, stable Internet connection, and get some good old fashioned advice. Too bad she's leaving on vacation on Saturday. le sigh. We are also meeting two real estate agents to begin searching for an apartment.

It's just the beginning. Beginnings are scary. Just need to move through the scary and get onto the normal.

Booze. Booze is next. Booze for Garren's birthday. Booze to relax and try to enjoy ourselves. Maybe the pool later. We have 3 more days together before I start work. Hopefully we'll both be a little more comfortable by then.

We miss you all.


  1. aw honey. cling to the "yet" in your first line. it's bound to get better. and at least for the next 3 days think of it as a place you're vacationing! lie by the pool, get drunk, enjoy your honeymoon, explore the city! et pratique votre francais, il va etre bien. =)

    p.s. happy birthday, garren!
    p.p.s. miss you both, XOXO

  2. Oh dearest, this too shall pass. It'll get better and soon you'll be navigating the city like a native. In the meantime, imbibe copious amounts of booze and take comfort in the fact that you are there together. Cuz two heads are bound to figure things out quicker than one, and two hearts won't be nearly so lonely.

    We miss you too, but hopefully you guys are having a wonderful birthday celebration for Garren!

    And maybe just pretend you're tourists as much as possible - less pressure to get things "right" all the time.

  3. One step at a time. You are doing great, and you're going to have a comfort zone before you know it. Deep breath, hug your man, jump in the pool. Love you.

  4. We miss you guys and wish you the best of luck on the new job! Drink some booze and relax. The most important things is that you have each other.

    Love and kisses,

    Michael, Leslee, Malea and Elmo
