Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Misc Things

A post about my first days at work will be coming I promise. Yesterday was a bit overwhelming for both Garren and me so an evening relaxing and drinking was called for. By the time that was done I was so exhausted I had to go to bed. Now it's morning and I'm about to start my second day and Garren is going to look at more apartments. Potential one we will rent.

In other news, Garren's parents had a wedding announcement posted in the local Redding paper. Those who wish to see it can go here:

Makes me weirdly feel all grown up. I mean an announcement posting in the paper. About us. Strange, but cool.

Second, Garren's wonderful brother Andrew started a blog, Sexual Chocolate. Follow him. He's a funny boy.

Until tout a l'heure (I know, I know, I'm missing accents and stuff. Deal. I'm in a rush.)


  1. The announcement looks really great. Hope everything is super awesome. Hurry up with that damn Skype account already!
    Love you,

  2. Oh yeah, and thanks for the plug :)
