Thursday, July 23, 2009


So moving is getting closer. I am trying not to focus on that part and instead focus on the fact that Garren and I are getting a two week vacation together.

As I've already mentioned, we're going to New York for a few days. We're just planning on enjoying the hotel, having some good food and maybe do a little bit of shopping. Hopefully also have dinner with some friends too.

Then we're off to Paris and we're staying at this hotel for a few days. It's the same place that Garren's parents are staying at in September and it seems to be in a nice location close to everything. We have no real plans of what we want to do in Paris. Garren has never been and I think mostly it's going to involve lots of pain au chocolats, cheese, the Eiffel Tower and maybe the Louvre.

The last part of our trip is what I am most excited about. We are going out to the Loire Valley and staying Blois where we will have bike rentals for 3 days waiting for us and we will be biking around the countryside visiting multiple chateaux, eating more cheese and hopefully drinking some wine. Here's some details about the trip we booked for those interested.

After that it's one more day in Paris and then we fly to Marrakech (on Garren's birthday). Work is putting us up in this hotel for a few weeks until we can find an apartment. Garren and I will have one more day to relax until I have to start work. Scary! Let's not think about that part.

So for the most part I think our honeymoon is shaping up to be a nice relaxing time. Except that it's August in France and Paris apparently will be empty of Parisians. Remind me why that is bad again?


  1. Ooh that sounds so fabulous. I am focusing more on our honeymoon than the wedding, and I'm hoping it will include a stop in Paris, so I look forward to your hotel reviews and whatnot.

  2. wow the hotel you're being put up at in marrakech looks awesome. nice!

    i'm glad you're doing the bike tour thing, it sounded really fun when you told me about it before. =)

  3. Sounds awesome! I hope you'll post pics!

  4. Looks amazing!!! You are going to have such a wonderful, amazing adventure. Ah, to be young and in love... (As opposed to mid-thirties and in love...)

