Wednesday, March 18, 2009

BSG Nerds

I just had the most awesome Reservations call. A gentleman called saying that he would like to stay with us but that the deal breaker was we had to have the SciFi channel avaialble in our rooms. I called the front desk and found out that we do not have it. When I was letting the guest know I asked him if he was looking to stay with us this weekend and if he needed the SciFi channel to watch Battlestar Galactica. He recognized a kindred soul and we immediately began talking about what we think is going to happen.

Poor man. He and his wife just moved to SF and their stuff is still not unpacked and they have no TV. Apparently no hotel in SF has the SciFi channel. I suggested they watch via the internet, but well as we all know that's not as fun if your connection is not great. He gave me his number before we hung up in case I thought of anything. And I did. Well kinda. I found on Craigslist a restaurant/pub in Berkeley which is having a viewing party. I totally just called this guy back and left him a message with the details. In case anyone else is having this problem or is curious the viewing details are here. Hopefully this will work for his viewing needs, otherwise I hope he figures something else out!

BSG Nerds Unite!


  1. I can't even talk about how frakkin' sad I am that tonight is the last episode! Thank gods they're doing another 2 hour movie that'll air in a few months and hopefully the spinoff, Caprica, will be as amazing as it's predecessor. Although we have to wait another year for that to premiere (I think it's set for April 2010). PS. I may have the Caprica pilot script in my possession if you want me to e-mail it to you. You have to keep it on the DL, though.

  2. Oh Clint - you're such a script smuggler. I love it!

  3. Oh my god I want it! Email it!

    I am so sad that the show is ending too. I've been bawling at any sad moment this season. I mean Boomer and the Chief! I just about died.

    I didn't know about the movie though. I'm now very excited for that. It's not over. Yet.

    I'm excited about Caprica and yet I feel it will never live up to BSG. But I'll watch anyway.
