Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I thought I would stay on top of one of my goals by bitching about the fact that I can't force myself to do another one of my goals.

I am supposed to go to an Irish Pub tonight to listen to an Irish band. Who are starting to play right about now. But it's cold out. And I'm tired. And I don't want to walk across the city by myself. And I don't want to go to a bar by myself. And I'm all comfy in my pajamas.

But my husband is giving me a hard time and I'm feeling guilty about setting a goal and not achieving it. I still have more nights to try to make it to listen to a band. I don't HAVE to go tonight.

And let's talk about the things I have done.
  • I've gone to the gym at least twice a week. 
  • I've been blogging at least twice a week. 
  • I went to brunch on Sunday which was part of the MeetInPrague group and met some people, had some food and got out of the hotel.
  • I'm contemplating going to see the opera Carmen on Friday. 
  • I'm also going to try really hard to go to spin class on Thursday.
Some of these things are a bit easier for me to do while doing anything involving any social interactions and/or exercise is harder. Such as showing up at a Pub by myself, ordering a beer and then sitting alone, by my lonesome, hoping that no one comes up to talk to me while at the same time trying not to look anyone in the eye in order to avoid any potential social contact. Look at the baby! Look at the baby!.........

Does it show that the thought of this makes me uncomfortable? Sure listening to the music would be great, but my social awkwardness (read fear) is totally winning. 

Yeah. I'm totally not going. There is always tomorrow. It is St. Patrick's Day after all and maybe I'll be able to blend in the background and just enjoy the music. Yeah. Tomorrow sounds like a much better plan. If I can't make it to an Irish Pub to listen to some music on St. Patrick's Day then I don't deserve to call myself half Irish anymore. 

Hold me to it people! I obviously did not cave to my husband's peer pressure, but maybe your peer pressure will make all the difference!

I would totally be going if my husband was here. Where is my social crutch when I need it? I miss you honey!


  1. Aw, it's hard going places by yourself. The MeetPrague group is a great idea, though; go to a few events where people are deliberately trying to meet each other, and before too long you'll have people to go to shows with too. You're doing great!

  2. haven't you made any work friends in prague yet? maybe one of them wants to go listen to irish music with you.

    going to carmen should be easy. you sit in a dark room. no one will know you're by yourself. you can do it!

    also, pace yourself. you don't need to do something every night of the week! you work full time, you deserve pajama down time too.

  3. I get lots of pajama down time. I probably like it a bit too much.

    And I'm also socially awkward when it comes to asking work people to do something after work. I'll join if they ask but I suck at initiating.

    yeah. i'm going tomorrow. really.

    and I'll buy a ticket to Carmen. i can handle going to watch a opera on my own.

  4. did you go to the irish music festival yesterday? if so, how was it?

  5. Nope. I can no longer call myself irish.
