Monday, October 5, 2009


A few weeks ago, I was offered hash twice, on the same day, by the same man (Garren believes), at different times of the day.

It's not a strange occurrence. Locals seem to think it's the only reason tourists come to Morocco. Not me. I mean really do I look like the smoking type? I mean seriously. Little me with her hair up in a pony tail her glasses on because she was too lazy to put in her contacts and being sick on top of it? I look like the type that will risk time in a Morocco prison for some Kif?

I was shocked both times it happened mostly because this man looked so clean cut. Why this should shock me I don't know. I think it's because usually when we're offered Kif (and it does happen quite a bit) it's by a young guy in jeans and a T-shirt. This time it was a middle aged man in a djellaba and yellow slippers. Very bizarre. I mean really you walk by the type of person who usually is trying to ignore your existence (at least that is the impression I get being a woman here a lot) and out of the blue they mumble, "Smoke" at you. It requires a double take. At least for me. I was stunned for a second or two before I told Garren what the man had said. His reaction? "The guy in the yellow slippers?!" And you think after I stared dumbfounded for a while the first time he wouldn't have bothered to try a 2nd time. Or at least maybe he would have tried to pass by Garren instead. This all happened near where the "hop on, hop off" tour bus stops.

Since then Garren has found out that the guy hangs out and wlks around this intersection a lot. He even had an encounter more than just where "smoke" was mumbled, but I'll let him relay that story if he wants. In the meantime, while walking around Marrakech I will continue to ignore any comments sent my way.


  1. But what are the chances you will buy ME some and ship it back FED EX to the States??? Just kidding............... Sorta!..... ;)

  2. Hehehe... I used to get offended that I never got offered weed when I was out with my friends but they did. Apparently I look "too innocent". I've never smoked the stuff (and probabyl never will) but I wanted the option ;-)

    In South Africa, we have so many names for weed it's ridiculous.
