Saturday, November 14, 2009

Little Tabby

There is a kitten in our apartment. We were just starting dinner. Watching some TV and a little tabby kitten walked in from our balcony. Our fourth floor balcony. WTF?! He's currently behind the TV playing with some plastic and he's ignored all attempts to feed him milk or some burger. I don't know what to do. I don't want to put him back on the balcony or even kick him outside the door. It's like abandoning him to the wolves. But I can't keep him either. Maybe he belongs to a neighbor. I hope so.

I can't have a cat here. 1. Garren would kill me 2. I would have to bring him home 3. Willoughby and Maggie would kill me.

What do I do?!


  1. Good news. He belongs to our neighbor and was just brave enough to crawl from her balcony to ours. No need for me to panic. She asked me if I wanted a cat. I told her I have two already but that it was nice to play with hers. :)

  2. big sigh of relief! i can't believe i wasn't home for this moment of crisis. this is what i get for going out to see overblown action movies starring john cusack, giant waves, and CA falling into the ocean.

    good job saving kitten, returning kitten, and avoiding wolves entirely.

  3. I am proud of you as well because we all know how cute those little kittens can be!

  4. So cute! oy. There are actually three kittens that my neighbor has and they all come to visit periodically. They are scared of us though so they may come in the house but if we make any sudden movements they bolt. So no cute cuddling yet. sigh.
