Tuesday, December 15, 2009

High Maintenance

Since moving to Marrakech, my beauty regime has not been kept up to previous standards. (Who knew I was so high maintenance?) Back in California I used to get my hair cut every 8 weeks, my eyebrows waxed every 3 weeks and have a pedicure around every 1-2 months depending on the weather.

I’ve managed to get my haircut since moving here, having found a French salon around the corner, but I still miss my hair time with Ashley back at Oxen Rose and with no curlers or flat iron here (the voltage can’t convert with those devices so I left them behind) my hair is pretty frizzy most of the time.

As for the eyebrows, I don’t know how much I trust anyone here with hot wax near my eyes. Actually I do know how much I trust them. Not at all. So I’ve been attempting to pluck my own eyebrows, which I hate.

I’ve already looked up an Aveda salon in London to rectify the situation.

And then there is the pedicure. I’ve actually been given recommendations for a place to go here in Marrakech, but I’ve been too lazy to go and now that the weather has turned cold, well nobody sees my feet anymore but me and Kept Man. And now you lucky people.

I know you're probably disgusted by looking at my feet, but look when we were Christmas shopping in the souks I bought myself some leather babouches in a pretty purple color which hides my un-pedicured feet from sight.

Kept Man thinks my slippers smell from the leather making process which he had the opportunity to visit on his guided tour of the Medina. He frequently throws them into the other room when I’m not looking. Poor pretty babouches.

In other news with all our Christmas shopping we've gotten better at haggling in the souks. Or rather Kept Man has gotten better. I've gotten better at keeping my mouth shut in the background and pretending to be a simpering well mannered wife.


  1. I cut my own hair about every 8 months, have never had my eyebrows waxed (though i did kind of want to try it until you said it had to be done every 3 weeks), and I get about 1 pedicure a year. i'm feeling pretty low maintenance right now. =) also frugal! which is good since i am poor.

    that first picture with your hair all foofy, you look gorgeous. well, ok, you kind of look like a crazy person. but the hair is dark and shiny, the eyebrows look good, and your lips are all pink and pretty. i like the blue color of the scarf a lot in the last picture too.

    p.s. your flat iron misses you. it's somewhere in the shed. possibly in the box with the bread machine. i don't remember.

  2. At least he isn't trying to poop in them like the pink UGGs.... Always look on the bright side. :)

  3. I wonder if they do threading there for the eyebrows....I think you should try that. Muslim culture is very pro-hair removal as far as I know...I bet it will be good.
