Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cats of Marrakech #1

I miss my cats. I miss the weight of Willoughby on my chest while he stretches his paws at me to pet him. I miss Maggie's playfulness in the morning and her meows for pets. I miss their greetings of happiness when I get home in the evening. Obviously they want food but they're still happy to see me.

There are tons of cats here in Marrakech. The truth is they break my heart. They have no homes, they fend for themselves and they only want to be loved. I wish I had the time and know how to start an animal shelter for all the dogs and cats in this city. I am sorely tempted to adopt one, but if I adopt one I won't want to leave it here and 1. trying to get it home and 2. trying to then integrate a new cat with Maggie and Willoughby when I return when they will probably already be pissed at me....not so much fun.

So instead I placate myself by petting the cats in my neighborhood and naming them. And maybe giving them a bit of food if I happen to have it. I will soon be the neighborhood cat lady.

On my first Cats of Marrakech post I give you daisy. The cutest calico I ever did see.


  1. Now, is "Daisy" a traditional Arabic or Berber name? :)

  2. omg. please adopt her and bring her home for me. soooooo cute! fish styx needs a friend! (a friend named pixie styx, admittedly, so you should maybe reconsider the moniker).

  3. If you were serious I just might, but I figure you probably want to introduce Fish to a kitten otherwise it might not be so fun with two grown cats. :)

    Pixie Styx! So cute!

  4. i have just come back from a holiday in Marrakech and i was gutted by the number of stray and unwanted cats and kittens.
    i have never shedded so many tears in my entire whole life.
    we spent every evening feeding as many cats that came our way and went back on regular basis to a cat family.we tried to give a comfortable ending to a very frail injured kitten ,who only had half a face.we fed him every evening and gave him milk,but in the end he was too weak to even drink .
    i plan to send food once month to a pizza place where a family of cats struggle and hang breaks my heart and i still cry for these cats.
    Marrakech is very poor and really they need to money to start a neutering service
