Sunday, October 17, 2010

Finally A Home!

Can you tell which books are mine and which are Kept Man's

Our stuff came this past week. After 2 months we have our things again. Although for me I honestly feel like I haven't had my things for 9 months now. Periodically I would have them but for the most part I've been living this past year out of a suitcase. Having all this stuff is overwhelming. It's a good time to get rid of things and makes it harder for me to justify buying new things because all of a sudden we have so much stuff.

But my books. Oh books. Seeing them is like really feeling at home. It's like seeing old friends. Although seeing them makes me realize how many old friends are missing. The kindle is great, but it's harder to have such warm fuzzy feelings about electronics. It sure does save on space though.

I see lots of nights filled with book reading, moving watching and cooking in our future.

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