Thursday, September 30, 2010

Black and Blue

What happens when you're at a bar for a goodbye party and all of a sudden a stool falls on your foot?


It only really got bad after I wore high heels two days later. It's not broken I swear. Just really blue. Or green. Or something not normal. Seriously don't worry. Kept Man is worrying enough for you. I'm not even limping or anything. Really.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another Czech Language Lesson

The word for yes in Czech is 'ano'. Which to me sounds like "ahhhhh, no". I constantly therefore feel like I'm saying no when I say yes. Someone suggested that I use the more informal 'jo' which translates to 'yeah'.

I love this language in it's simplest form. (In it's more complicated form it's damn hard) When else would I get to say 'ahoj' and 'jo' in daily life and not sound like a retard? So here I am with another word that I get to use on a daily basis that makes me giggle to myself every time I say it thinking of the movie Rocky and how my sister hated growing up with Adrienne as a name in the 80s. Awesome.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Home Sweet Hotel

As many of you know Kept Man and I made it out of Morocco alive. Not only did we get our stuff packed and shipped out, but we managed to get a reimbursement and our deposit back. All in all a successful finish to our year in Africa. (It still feels strange to say we lived in Africa, yes it was North Africa but still...)

We've had no word on when our stuff will arrive, but the moving company assures me that the received the magic paper that allows our things to leave the country so I'm assuming it will show up eventually. I have a second magic paper (I got a back up just in case. When in doubt in Morocco always have back up copies) so if there is any trouble I'm prepared.

Now we are just trying to settle into life in Prague. The weather has been on the colder side. Apparently autumn has come early but Kept Man is pleased with this change after 100 degree weather in Marrakech. We have also found a place to live. A friend is sadly leaving Prague in the next month to head back to Hong Kong, but conveniently leaving when we need an apartment that is a 15 minute walk or 5 minute tram ride to work. And is furnished. And bigger than our last apartment. And includes wireless internet.  And doesn't involve paying a commission to an agent. We move in the first weekend of October. Just in time for me to do some fall baking. As long as I can find canned pumpkin. I hope I can find canned pumpkin. Of course I can! It's not like this is Africa or something.

As you can tell things are settling down. I've got Kept Man here with me full time. I feel more secure in work knowing I'm here for the long haul and that I'm not going to be shipped back to Marrakech anytime soon. Kept Man is also starting to look into schools and applying for jobs. Which he's able to do here in the Czech Republic since I have French citizenship and we're in an EU country. We're exploring new restaurants and locals in the city. All in all it feels nice to be making a home again. Just a few more weeks and we'll have an apartment instead of a hotel room and I plan on hibernating at home through the winter. With maybe a weekend or two in a nearby city.

So if anyone wants to see us I think you need to plan to make a trip to Prague. I'm done moving this year. No more flights! No more limbo! This homebody has got a home again!