Friday, September 18, 2009

This is hard, but.....

This whole transition from SF to Marrakech has been hard, both personally and professionally. It's draining me both emotionally and physically and now I'm sick too.

I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my easy job back home. I miss familiar venues, restaurants and areas. I miss feeling comfortable about where I am and what I'm doing. I miss not feeling like an idiot when I talk or not understanding something simply because I'm not familiar with the word.

But with all the crappy things there are some good things too.
  1. Garren and I will not starve. Bread is available for 2 MAD or $0.25
  2. There is a French Chocolate store down the street for when I really need a pick me up
  3. Massages are relatively cheap 350 MAD opr $45 for one hour or (This gets me out of my wifely duties of providing back massages - sometimes!)
  4. Internet is cheap and stable enough to stay in touch
  5. Taxis are cheap - when you can get them to turn on the meter
  6. The weather is nice. Since it being super hot when we got here it's cooled down to be more like Santa Barbara weather. We're diggin' it.
  7. Garren and I are planning a trip to the coast one of these days. There's a hippie surf camp just north Agadir of which looks fun and relaxing.
  8. We're hoping to do another trip up to London sometime soon to get some much needed time in an English speaking country
So instead of focusing on the bad things, in the future I will be trying to focus on the good things, or the absurd or the just plain weird. I hope you all look forward to hearing about some of them.


  1. "This is hard, but..."

    In honor of the new seasons

    That's what she said.


  2. We miss you too! You are doing great. Good job staying positive.

    The first time one of us comes to visit, you're going to suddenly see how wide your comfort zone there has gotten, as I'm struggling around going "Wait, I'm afraid to cross the street there...wait, I don't know how to take a cab..." And you're like, "it's fine, just follow us."

    Love you!

    But I wish your birthday present would get there already. I know we're all always late with the birthdays but this is ridiculous. Stupid mail.

  3. I miss both of you so much! I'm sorry you're sick, and I hope you eat lots of bread and chocolate until you feel better.

    I've already started collecting things for a new package (my first two items are tres magnifique) since I am highly skeptical the birthday one will ever reach you. =( I promise to always send UPS from now on.

    Love, M

  4. Love you guys!

    It might eventually get here. Sometimes it takes a month or more. But you don't have to send packages. It's expensive to send via UPS or DHL or whatever. Seriously. I love just getting the cards. I just got the one you sent Michele. Heads will Roll. Genius!

  5. Oh we miss you! And homesickness is always so hard; we totally understand - but then actual sickness on top of it? That's hardcore. But it's awesome that you're being so positive. And you're totally inspiring us to just say fuck it, we're moving to Bangkok. And I bet you're acclimating in ways you don't even realize and sometime soon you're gonna wake up and suddenly realize this place has become *home* and you didn't even notice. Here's hoping that day comes sooner rather than later. Like, you know, maybe tomorrow or something. :) Love you!

  6. his little face looking in the bowl and deadpan saying: "heads will roll."--so fricking adorable. i couldn't resist sending it to the one person i know who appreciates cat comic strips! =)
